The Detox Elimination Program
I Invite You TO DISCOVER What's Standing Between You and Your Health In Just 10 Days.
Experience Food As Medicine
Detox Elimination
Make a Clean Start!
This is your opportunity to chart a new coarse in the way that you experience health and wellness. Both Mind and Body. Better Health Is Only a Choice Away.
The Seven Biologic Systems of the Body
- Assimilating Nutrients, Digestion, and The MicroBiome. Medicine has long held an elementary view of the gut. It is simply a tube from mouth to anus designed to absorb nutrients and fluids. Other than major gut diseases, western doctors mostly considered the gut to be irrelevant when it came to understanding our overall health. But as it turns out, the gut is at the center of our health.
- Defense and Repair: Our Immune and Inflammatory System. Why doesn’t an infectious disease like COVID-19 effect everyone the same way? Those whose immune systems are over burdened or “on fire” by preexisting conditions like obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, autoimmunity and other inflammatory diseases are at a much higher risk of severe disease, hospitalizations and death. The immune system is already overheated by the environment of the body. The key is cooling the fire, regulating the immune response by discovering the root cause of the fire and putting it out.
- Energy: Our Cellular Power Plants. Mitochondria, the power plants of our 30 trillion cells. Each of us has hundreds to thousands of these in mostly every cell of the body. They convert the food you eat and the oxygen you breathe into energy called ATP, which your body uses to drive nearly every bio-chemical process. The health and functionality of the mitochondria are vital to life at every level.
- Biotransformation and Elimination: Detoxification. The word “detox” makes many people think of rehab or a fad diet. But your biological detoxification system is quite sophisticated, processing and removing internal waste and environmental toxins. Assisting your liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, digestive and lymph system to neutralize and remove toxic materials from the body is the foundation of health.
- Communication: Hormones, Neurotransmitters, and Cell-Signaling Molecules. The body has a finely orchestrated system of communication and feedback loops that keep our biology functioning optimally. We have a myriad of human messenger molecules in addition to the thousand of molecules in food, that provide instructions governing nearly every function of our body. Learn to change the environment of the body to Strengthen and heal glands that create chemical messengers which communicate and regulate the functions of your body.
- Transport: Optimizing Circulation and Lymphatic Flow. How do all the messages get to where they need to go for the body’s optimal functioning? How does the food you eat, and all the magic it contains, find the right receptors to act upon? How does the body clear waste? Through our transportation systems: our circulatory system (the blood vessels and heart) and our lymphatic system, a parallel set of vessels that clears metabolic waste from your tissues and send it to the liver and kidneys for removal. Learn to optimize both your circulatory and lymphatic systems.
- Structural Health and Imbalances: From Muscle and Bones to Cells and Tissues. How do you build a house of health and longevity? Not with straw but with brick. Our musculoskeletal system, our meat suit, determines our quality of life. If it is weak and arthritic and frail, we can’t do what we love, whether it is dance durning sunrise or socialize and play with our friends and family. If we eat junk, we get junk bones, muscles, and tissues. If we don’t move our bodies as they were designed, run and lift and stretch, they gradually weaken and start to disintegrate. We need to be constructed from the best raw materials, the highest quality proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. We need to increase activity and stretch. A lifestyle for Better Health is designed to help you build a strong foundation for healthy muscles, bones, and cells.
The Seven Steps to Wellness
- Boost Your Nutrition. Think “Raw Materials” for the 100 trillion cells that make up your body.
- Regulate Your Hormones. Strengthen and heal glands that create chemical messengers which communicate and regulate the functions of your body.
- Reduce Inflammation. Inflammation is the response of your immune system to the environment of the body.
- Improve Your Digestion. The gut is often the source of health problems and inflammation. Start here and extraordinary results may occur.
- Maximize Detoxification. Assist your liver, bowels and other organs to neutralize and remove toxic materials from the body.
- Enhance Energy Metabolism. Provide the raw materials to the 1000 trillion symbiotic creatures called mitochondria that live within the cells of your body and create the energy necessary for life.
- Soothe Your Mind. Understand the relationship between the mind and body especially the influence of attitude over the chemical messengers that control your health.
- Take away the things that make you toxic and inflamed.
- Provide your body with foods and activities that help you detoxify and cool inflammation.
By eliminating the major sources of toxins in your life – addictive habits such as sugar, alcohol, processed food, fast food, junk food, trans fats (hydrogenated oils), and high-fructose corn syrup – and reducing toxic stress for only 10 days, your body can renew and rejuvenate itself.
By eliminating the major sources of inflammation in your diet – food allergens, sugar and flour products, and bad fats – your body can heal. Then, by eating whole, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory foods, the power of the program can take full effect.
Experience is the best teacher. In this program you will learn to use food as medicine. Each class will empower and motivate your life choices to create the results you want. We will talk about things beyond food, seeking to bring balance to important elements of your life such as love and relationship as well as career and money. I will personally and carefully guide you to make simple changes that transform your life. Teach you how to truly live your life; not just exist within your life, but to live life with health and vitality, both mentally and physically.
The answer to effective, long-term health & weight loss is addressing the underlying causes of disease and obesity. For most of you out there suffering with weight & other issues there are two key causes: toxicity and inflammation. In fact, for many of you, toxicity in particular may be what’s been frustrating your weight-loss attempts. You may be carrying around a truckload of toxins in your body that are disrupting your body’s natural mechanisms for health. And you will see, getting healthy is the key to losing weight. Unless you get rid of this toxic load on your system, you might find yourself continually hitting a plateau where your weight loss stops. Removing this Toxic Load is the First Key.
Controlling Inflammation is the second key for health and weight loss. Inflammation is when your immune system becomes active attaching and cleaning up toxins and partially digested food matter in the tissues and organs of the body. Water retention, swelling and redness occur to widen pathways in tissues and veins to allow the natural killer cells in to do their job. Autoimmunity occurs when these natural killer cells attach the bodies own tissues and organs. These effects are largely do to the type of foods and substances we eat, as well as things we put on our skin, and elements that persist in our environment. Stress is the other major factor needing to be addressed.
This program gives you an opportunity to achieve immediate weight loss, but more importantly offers you renewed energy and relief from many chronic diseases in just a couple of weeks.
Let me be completely up-front here. My motivation is not to help you “lose a quick 10 pounds,” although that is a nice side effect; my desire is for you to experience in the first 14 days the power you have to harm or to heal your body, the power wrong foods have to create sickness, and the power right foods have to promote health and weight loss.
Discover what foods work for you by experiencing the Detoxification & Elimination Program.
Directed by Holistic Health Practitioner, Clinical Nutritionist and Clinical Master Herbalist Roland Mills, you will be guided on a journey that will result in Better Health and weight loss. You will be given tools of knowledge that will allow you to take control of your health throughout your life. After you complete this 4 week process you will never think the same about what you put in, or on, your body again.
The 7 Steps to Wellness
Click here see the program materials using the 7 Steps that can empower you to Live for Better Health.
Metabolic Quizzes
Click here see the Metabolic Quizzes using that can guide you to discover the root cause of chronic conditions.
How to Work with Your Dr.
Click here see the guide which can assist you in working with your doctor for Better Health.
What My Clients Have to Say